About me

Growing up in Christchurch, New Zealand, I embraced nature. I just loved to get out there in that cool crisp fresh air. I walked everywhere, it freed my head and freed my soul.

My spirit was independent and adventurous with a hugely vivid imagination, especially as a child.

Now living here in Adelaide, Australia with my wonderful husband Faris and chubby cat Pushka, I believe I have come full circle, it is my art that frees my head and my soul.

My favourite season is Autumn, it’s about that same cool crispness and all of nature’s colours. I can still see all those leaves against the back fence of my primary school our teacher took us down to explore. They were huge and vibrant in rich colours of deep ruby red and yellow gold. This was my first colour ecstasy.

Colour for me is joy and my pleasure is to share it with you. I’m so drawn to colour, it aligns me to so many different emotions. When drawing I choose my colour first by how I feel or how I want to feel, then the rest will follow.

I do what I do because I want to express my emotions through pictures. I want to spread joy and that joy comes through as colour and stories from me to you.

— Debbie xo

BraveArt Studios

My colourful happy creative artspace

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